Strengths at Cal Poly Update

Cal Poly Report - CliftonStrengths Announcement
Update on CliftonStrengths at Cal Poly
The Strengths leadership team, made up of staff and faculty from Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, has made the decision to discontinue issuing StrengthsFinder codes to new students effective with the Fall 2019 incoming class. Gallup, the parent company to CliftonStrengths, has more than doubled the price of the assessment, making it cost prohibitive for continuing to provide codes for all students. Individual groups and classes are still welcome to use Strengths within their groups and can purchase codes for incoming students. Alternative assessments are available at low or no cost for students, faculty, and staff. The Center for Leadership will continue to provide in-class workshops and leadership development opportunities for students. For more information, visit or email
As shared in the above reports, this was a decision made by a variety of campus partners on the Strengths Campus Committee. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please reach out to
Based on this announcement, the Strengths Campus Committee would like to provide resources and next steps for individuals who would like to continue utilizing StrengthsQuest or who are looking for other options to use instead of StrengthsFinder by Gallup.
Information for Students
If you entered Cal Poly between Fall 2014 – Fall 2018:
- You should have received a Strengths access code to your Cal Poly email. Please search through your email to find your code so you can use that to take your assessment.
If you entered Cal Poly before Fall 2014 or after Fall 2018:
- Visit the StrengthsQuest website to purchase a code or purchase the Strengths Finder 2.0 book which includes a code.
If you are a member of a student group who has used Strengths and would like to continue to use Strengths, you can continue to use that as a resource. Cal Poly's Center for Leadership will continue to provide facilitation; however, your group will need to pay for anyone who does not have a code in order to obtain a code and be able to participate.
- For the 2019 – 2020 academic year – if you are using strengths with a small group or a larger group of primarily 2nd – 4th year students and you have a few students (transfer students for example) who entered Cal Poly after Fall 2018, the Center for Leadership has limited numbers of codes we are willing to give faculty or staff to provide a few students in a class so that they can participate in these activities.
- The Center for Leadership is still available to facilitate or consult about Strengths conversations and trainings with your group or class.
- You can fill out a request form here and select the Strengths box for type of facilitation or consultation.
- additional resources from Gallup for utilizing StrengthsQuest.
If you have a student group, team, or class that will not be continuing to use Strengths Finder assessment, there are a variety of options you can use to achieve similar outcomes:
- Career Services self assessments
- Cal Poly’s Career Center has a variety of self-awareness assessment that students can take to help them understand themselves better – who they are, what interests them, and what they value.
- Center for Leadership
- Center for Leadership staff are happy to meet and have a one-on-one conversation to talk about your student organization or residence hall group to learn about what you would like to achieve in the session to help determine the best format and activity or activities to do with your group or class.
- Request a session using various leadership typologies today!
- Via Strengths
- The Via Institute on Character offers a free, scientific survey on character strengths that can be used for individuals to empower themselves and professional to empower others.
- The Center for Leadership are available to facilitate about Via Strengths too.
Information for Staff and Faculty
If you have a student group, team, or class that you would like to continue to use Strengths Finder assessment in:
- Students who entered between Fall 2014 – Fall 2018 have been given Strengths codes and have the ability to take the Strengths Finder assessment.
- For the 2019 – 2020 academic year – if you are teaching a course for 2nd – 4th year students and you have a few students (transfer students for example) who entered Cal Poly after Fall 2018, Academic Advising and the Center for Leadership have limited numbers of codes we are willing to give faculty or staff to provide a few students in a class so that they can participate in these activities.
- Students who entered after Fall 2018 will not be given a code and will need a code to take Strengths
- Codes can be purchased on the Gallup website
- Students can purchase the Strengths Finder 2.0 book that comes with a Strengths Finder assessment code.
- The Center for Leadership is still available to facilitate or consult about Strengths conversations and trainings with your group or class.
- You can fill out a request form here and select the Strengths box for type of facilitation or consultation.
If you have a student group, team, or class that will not be continuing to use Strengths Finder assessment, there are a variety of options you can use to achieve similar outcomes:
- Career Services self assessments
- Cal Poly’s Career Center has a variety of self-awareness assessment that students can take to help them understand themselves better – who they are, what interests them, and what they value.
- Via Strengths
- The Via Institute on Character offers a free, scientific survey on character strengths that can be used for individuals to empower themselves and professional to empower others.
- The Center for Leadership are available to facilitate about Via Strengths too.
- Center for Leadership
- Center for Leadership staff are happy to meet and have a one-on-one conversation to talk about your student organization or residence hall group to learn about what you would like to achieve in the session to help determine the best format and activity or activities to do with your group or class.
- Request the Center for Leadership to facilitate a session using various leadership typologies today.